This is a premium service ONLY offered to supporters that hold a VIP NFT.
This is a FREE Service if you hold a VIP NFT.
You MUST Hold a VIP NFT to use this service.
Check listings on RandGallery – VIP NFT’s
See all listed NFT Key listings on Asalytic – VIP NFT’S
There are 2 options for NFD drops, One-time or Recurring.
With these 2 options, and the configuration options, which include:
Token: is an ASA with a supply (this could include coins or NFT’s with a supply of more than 1).
Pure NFT’s: are All unique ASA’s each with a supply of 1.
Fractionalized Token: is a token with a supply of 1 but is fractionalized into smaller parts.
There are a lot of options you can select with this feature. We will try to cover as many ways as we can in the following docs.
If you want to send a ONE TIME Token, Fractionalized Token or NFT reward to a list of NFD’s or to a Root NFD’s segment owners, you will want to read over the One-Time NFD drop Document.
If you want to send recurring drops of Tokens, Fractionalized Tokens or NFTs to some or all NFD Segment Holders, you will want to read over the Recurring NFD drop Document.